Please note that you are not being charged for delivery outside of Valencia port, but we do pay the delivery and as the orders are delivered by independent company, we ask you to follow delivery rules:
The orders CAN NOT BE CANCELED, changed or checked while delivery persons are on board and have to be paid fully upon delivery arrival. If there is any problem or question, we ask you to contact us as we will arrange refunds or changes if necessary.
All payments have to be collected one before delivery arrival.
Payments have to be made in cash (euro or usd) upon delivery, according to delivery note. Card payments are not possible outside of Valencia port.
The delivery persons do not know what is inside of your orders and are not responsible for any changes or confusions.
Please respect the delivery persons and their time as they are a contracted, independent company.
If there are any problems with the orders, the amount you have paid to the delivery persons or with products, please contact us immediately after the delivery persons have received full payment, according to delivery note. We ask you to trust in our company as we will arrange refunds or change of products if that is necessary.
Thank you for understanding and we are glad to work with you!